6 research outputs found

    Towards a new intelligent traffic system based on deep learning and data integration

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    Time series forecasting is an important technique to study the behavior of temporal data in order to forecast the future values, which is widely applied in intelligent traffic systems (ITS). In this paper, several deep learning models were designed to deal with the multivariate time series forecasting problem for the purpose of long-term predicting traffic volume. Simulation results showed that the best forecasts are obtained with the use of two hidden long short-term memory (LSTM) layers: the first with 64 neurons and the second with 32 neurons. Over 93% of the forecasts were made with less than ±2.0% error. The analysis of variances is mainly due to peaks in some extreme conditions. For this purpose, the data was then merged between two different sources: electromagnetic loops and cameras. Data fusion is based on a calibration of the reliability of the sources according to the visibility conditions and time of the day. The integration results were then compared with the real data to prove the improvement of the prediction results in peak periods after the data fusion step.

    Triple superphosphate, potassium sulfate and nitrogenous fertilizers effects on fitness and aggressiveness of Fusarium culmorum inducing wheat crown rot

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    This study examined the effects of N, P, and K fertilizers on Fusarium culmorum on in-vitro mycelial growth and biomass, and aggressiveness on wheat plants. Urea, phosphorus, potassium sulfate, and the mixture of similar amounts of these last two ingredients increased fungal biomass. Rearing mycelia on urea, the mixture, or phosphorus increased aggressiveness by 56%, 120%, and 130%, respectively. But this aggressiveness did not affect inoculated plants dry biomass. However, the inoculum that was reared on ammonium sulfate increased infected plant biomass. These findings infer that the management of this disease may rely on a proper dose of fertilizers application. First, farmers are advised to avoid urea and use instead ammonium nitrate; second, place phosphorus and potassium sulfate under the seedbed away from any inoculum in the soil. Therefore, surveying disease development, its past events, soil health, and soil fertility is a prerequisite for any successful control of this disease. Keywords: Fusarium culmorum, Aggressiveness, Fitness, Nitrogen forms, Phosphorus, Potassium sulfat

    Smart Agriculture : A Novel Multilevel Approach for Agricultural Risk Assessment over Unstructured Data

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    Detecting opportunities and threats from massive text data is a challenging task for most. Traditionally, companies would rely mainly on structured data to detect and predict risks, losing a huge amount of information that could be extracted from unstructured text data. Fortunately, artificial intelligence came to remedy this issue by innovating in data extraction and processing techniques, allowing us to understand and make use of Natural Language data and turning it into structures that a machine can process and extract insight from. Uncertainty refers to a state of not knowing what will happen in the future. This paper aims to leverage natural language processing and machine learning techniques to model uncertainties and evaluate the risk level in each uncertainty cluster using massive text data

    BERT Based Clinical Knowledge Extraction for Biomedical Knowledge Graph Construction and Analysis

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    Background : Knowledge is evolving over time, often as a result of new discoveries or changes in the adopted methods of reasoning. Also, new facts or evidence may become available, leading to new understandings of complex phenomena. This is particularly true in the biomedical field, where scientists and physicians are constantly striving to find new methods of diagnosis, treatment and eventually cure. Knowledge Graphs (KGs) offer a real way of organizing and retrieving the massive and growing amount of biomedical knowledge. Objective : We propose an end-to-end approach for knowledge extraction and analysis from biomedical clinical notes using the Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) model and Conditional Random Field (CRF) layer. Methods : The approach is based on knowledge graphs, which can effectively process abstract biomedical concepts such as relationships and interactions between medical entities. Besides offering an intuitive way to visualize these concepts, KGs can solve more complex knowledge retrieval problems by simplifying them into simpler representations or by transforming the problems into representations from different perspectives. We created a biomedical Knowledge Graph using using Natural Language Processing models for named entity recognition and relation extraction. The generated biomedical knowledge graphs (KGs) are then used for question answering. Results : The proposed framework can successfully extract relevant structured information with high accuracy (90.7% for Named-entity recognition (NER), 88% for relation extraction (RE)), according to experimental findings based on real-world 505 patient biomedical unstructured clinical notes. Conclusions : In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end system for the construction of a biomedical knowledge graph from clinical textual using a variation of BERT models

    Effets des engrais azotés sur le rendement du blé et de l'orge sous stress biotique dû à la pourriture sèche du collet induite par le Fusarium culmorum

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of three nitrogenous fertilizers applied using wheat and barley grain yield achieved under biotic stress due to crown rot of cereals induced by Fusarium culmorum. The experiment took place in three greenhouses representing different environments, and using a single variety of durum wheat, bread wheat and barley. The effects of inoculation, forms and doses of nitrogen on disease severity, yield and its components were used to reach this aim. Results pointed out that yield of each variety varied according to environments, rates and forms of nitrogen used. Under conditions favorable to disease development, a 24 g L-1 of fertilizers and especially that of urea significantly reduced the yield of durum wheat by 76%. But generally, ammonitrate at a dose of 1.5 g L-1 reduced disease severity and allowed a gain in grain yield, within all environments, to reach 222%, 307% and 667% for of durum wheat, bread wheat and barley, respectively. In conclusion, the efficiency of nitrogen fertilization depended on the form of nitrogen, its rate and the environments where they were used. Keywords: Nitrogenous fertilizers, nitrogen dose, yield performance, crown rot, cerealsL’efficience de trois engrais azotés a été évaluée par les rendements grain du blé et de l’orge réalisés sous un stress biotique dû à la pourriture du collet des céréales induite par le Fusarium culmorum. L’expérimentation s’est déroulée dans trois serres à environnements différents, et utilisant une seule variété du blé dur, du blé tendre et de l’orge. Les effets de l’inoculation, des formes et des doses d’azote sur la sévérité de la maladie et sur le rendement et ses composantes ont quantifié cette efficience. Le rendement de chaque variété a varié en fonction des environnements, des doses et des formes d’azote. En conditions favorables au développement de la maladie, la dose de 24 g L-1 des fertilisants et surtout celle de l’urée a significativement réduit le rendement de blé dur de 76%. Mais généralement, l’ammonitrate à la dose de 1,5 g L-1 a réduit la sévérité de la maladie et a permis un gain de rendement grain pour tous les environnements atteignant 222%, 307% et 667% respectivement pour la variété du blé dur, blé tendre et orge. Ainsi, l’efficience de la fertilisation azotée dépendait de la forme d’azote, de sa dose et des environnements. Mots clés: Engrais azotés, dose d’azote, performance de rendement, pourriture du collet, céréale

    Torsion of a Wandering Spleen

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    Wandering spleen is a rare condition defined as a mobile spleen only attached with its pedicle. It can be complicated by a volvulus, which is a surgical abdominal emergency. Preventing infarction is the aim of a prompt surgery that can preserve the spleen and then proceed to splenopexy. We report a rare case of torsion of a wandering spleen associated with a dolichosigmoĂŻd